Monday, January 28, 2008

Headache...diappointed much?

Hmm, so no one is checking out my last post. Well if I had known that, I wouldn't have written so damn much!

Oh well. I don't think more emotion is going to help me.

At the moment I have a really bad headache. I accidentally cut of a lock of hair while trying to detach my hairbrush which was stuck in my hair this afternoon. I comb it over to make it as unnoticable as I can. Though I'm sure the hairdressers will laugh at me next time I visit a salon.

School does homework. I can't concentrate much so I'm wasting time on here and youtube...check out anonygirl1's videos...she's cool =]

Ugh, I feel gross. Maybe I'll tell you guys when I know you're listening.

...No one voted in the poll either...

1 comment:

Bharat said...

i like the way you write :) keep it up... psst - here's a little trick... go to other people's blogs, but only read if you're interested... then comment with something useful... i hate it when people go.. "nice blog... check mine out..."... i mean... i'm writing here.. notice that?

anyway... try that... keep an eye on the google groups for good blogs... and most people (me included) have readerships... lists of people they're acquainted with, fellow bloggers, you can find this list on most blogs... get a list for the ones you really like... don't do it just because they've done it... be genuine... we form cliques here ;)

guess i wrote a bit too much there... i'm just trying to make it a bit easier for you than it was for me..