Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wait for it...

The new chapter for Milana's Theory of Relativity will be up tomorrow!


In other [boring] news, I completely cleaned out my room today and taped a bunch of things up, like posters, drawings, sheet music, cut out shapes, etc. I even put stars on the ceilings. =]

I got one of those desk chairs too. The black ones, with leather, that rolls around and you can raise or lower the seat to your liking. It's muy comfy. =] I also ended up getting some summer clothes and earrings, since I haven't been shopping in a couple of months. Plus I lost all my jewelry when I moved.

I also went bowling with some friends, since it was one of their sweet sixteens. I suck at bowling.

Yet I believe I beat Obama's score, heh.

I've been in a overall good mood for the past week....It's like the opposite of PMS.

Hmm....was that innapropriate to say?

1 comment:

Bharat said...

everybody seems to be happy PMSing these days... now THAT was inappropriate :)