Thursday, February 7, 2008 head =(

I hate headaches...

I've had one every day for....I can't even remember now...but I've scheduled to see my primary care doctor so hopefully it'll work out...if not, there's always asprin. =)

In news that matters, Mitt Romney has pulled out of the presidential race. His statement was along the lines of: If I were to keep campaigning, the Democrats would win. I'm probably misinterpreted that and paraphrased it badly but my head hurts.

Even if I was eighteen, I don't think I would have voted for him anyway. I mean, I have nothing personal. We're both from Boston and all, but honestly, I have no 'someth-'ing idea what he stands for anymore. I'm scared to see how many times he would change his ideas. Well all I can say is good luck to whoever does end up winning.

Now to those in Tennessee, my heart goes out to all of you, if you were affected in anyway, I hope you get some relief. For those who don't know, tornado storms ripped through the mid South killing around fifty people and injuring hundreds. I haven't watched the news since yesterday, so my numbers may be outdated. Obvoiusly that doesn't account for the financial, and not to mention emotional losses out there. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Well, I distracted myself enough. I'll go to sleep now to rest my head.

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