Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Big Thank You/School

Okay, so through some advertisement and [not so] much patience, I actually have readers. I'd really like to thank 'brat' and 'rose desrochers' for commenting and giving me tips. It helps a lot especially for newbies ("n00bs"?) like me. =)

Right now I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I'm taking just a small break.

I said that an hour ago...just kidding!

Anyway, a useful tip in high school. If you're gonna take any honors classes, or especially if you take AP (or IB for some), be aware of the massive amounts of work you will probably receive. This will be even more difficult if you play a sport or if you have any other commitments. Plus you betta study for the tests. I learned that the hard way...

I don't really have anything important to talk about right now. Well I do, but I'm saving that stuff. I'll see if I can add anything to my story.

Once again, thanks brat and rose! Your help means a lot =)
...I'm just repeating myself, aren't I?


Bharat said...

well, you are a bit... but that's the thing about the internet.. you can truly be who you wish to be... now what exactly ARE AP/IB classes?

i do a course that has no exams.. ha!

Lala said...

haha..."bit...?" uhm...well ya i suppose ^_^;;

AP classes are also known as Advanced Placement classes. They are extremely rigorous courses you can take in high school to earn college credits. I think IB is also the same thing, but I'm not exactly sure. The main goal of an AP class is to prepare you for the AP exam in the subject. That's actually what really earns you college credits. =]

Lala said...

oh and a class w/o exams?!?

haha i envy you xP

Rose DesRochers said...

Don't mention it. I was glad to help. :)
