Friday, May 30, 2008


okay. there.


Eh? Tagged am I?
I will do that...tomorrow...maybe
Because I am tired from so much.
So those six little tidbits about myself will be here when I'm not dying of tired-ness.
I can't even formulate words right!

I will tell you this: I am extremely pissed because my father will not let me stay at my cousin's to watch the Celtics game on their big screen in Hi-Def. It's the sixth game in the series and if they win tonight, they go to the finals against the lakers. Obviously since I'm from Boston this is a helluva big deal to me. Plus this might be our first time in 20 years so they betta win!


34 20 5

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Sorry guys, my computer crashed last week, and I've asked a friend to retrieved some of my lost files so no telling when Relativity will have a new installment. Over the weekend I was away and even though I brought my laptop, it cost ten dollars to use the internet.

Eh, I chose to save the ten dollars.

Ugh, it started raining horribly when I was walking home today so I got soaked from that and the dumbass driver who soaked me with a wave of water when he passed me. My mother was pissed that I came home dripping water and I do believe she thinks I am the biggest (and dumbest) mistake of a kid she's had so far.

I'm out of breath from trying to run home and just pissed overall at today.

I was going to write a mock-list of the things I'm sorry for, because I keep screwing up so much apparently, but that was just a spur-of-the-moment thing. Plus it seems extremely emo now.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Wait for it...

The new chapter for Milana's Theory of Relativity will be up tomorrow!


In other [boring] news, I completely cleaned out my room today and taped a bunch of things up, like posters, drawings, sheet music, cut out shapes, etc. I even put stars on the ceilings. =]

I got one of those desk chairs too. The black ones, with leather, that rolls around and you can raise or lower the seat to your liking. It's muy comfy. =] I also ended up getting some summer clothes and earrings, since I haven't been shopping in a couple of months. Plus I lost all my jewelry when I moved.

I also went bowling with some friends, since it was one of their sweet sixteens. I suck at bowling.

Yet I believe I beat Obama's score, heh.

I've been in a overall good mood for the past week....It's like the opposite of PMS.

Hmm....was that innapropriate to say?

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Okay I lied.

The new chapter is up now.

Btw, I'm working on a secret project for this story. It' would I say this?

Interactive I suppose.

Well, I guess you'll just have to see. ;)

Pure Awesomeness =D

Okay, so I'm on what they call, an 'emotional high' I think. This comes right after the short 'emotional low' I experienced.

The other day, I learned someone close my family died. The same day, I also happened to get a 53% on my chem test and I was hit with a huge homesickness attack.

**I don't know if I ever mentioned this before, but about a year and a half ago, I transferred schools, due to my family moving upstate.**

Usually on Saturday, I go to downtown Boston to take piano lessons and teach the basics of piano to beginner pianists. But since I had the day off, I slept in. Then my dad takes me and my sister out to "whereever we want." My dad hasn't done that since I was about nine. (I'm 15 now). Today, after church, my mother did the same.

It also happens to be my best friend's birthday. I'm excited since her party's next week and since I moved, I haven't seen her or any of my old friends that much.

I don't mind that tomorrow's Monday, because it's only five days of going to a school I don't particularly enjoy until I can see my good good friends Saturday. Plus the good friends I do have at this school are planning to go to Harvard Square one of these days after school, so that sounds just as fun.

As for Theory of Relativity, I'm editing the chapters in progress since the direction they seem to be going in is bothering me. Maybe I'll post it this week. I don't want to abandon it for a month again. We'll see.

Have a blessed week. (Haha, I sound like an old church lady.)

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

There ya gooooooo

read. new. chapter.

copy && paste didnt work. so i had to retype the whole friggin' thing. expect typos.

oh and my chem test got postponed until tomorrow. funny how that works out. now i can be stressed until then. =P

Just to let you know..

Okay, here's another quick post (I refuse to say 'quickie' because of that innuendo). I was smart and decided to type the chapters of Theory of Relativity on Microsoft Word and save them, so that all I had to do here was copy and paste. I'm almost done with the chapters I'll put up soon. I need to proofread them better too. I had two hours of sleep and about five cups of caffeine so I'll see how that works out.

Aright, off to school to take that dreaded chemistry test. X.x

Crap, I have an English quiz too...

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Oh what fun...

So I have a couple of minutes before I have to leave for school, so I thought I should write a quick post. Sorry for not updating Theory of Relativity again. I've had a cold for the past week and haven't gotten a chance to rest and recover. I'll try to put it up tonight or something. We'll see =P.

As for that math project I had, my partner pulled through and was able to meet me at the library. We were able to construct the poster and he did a very good job with the presentation. It shocked me and my friends. Except there was that awkward moment when he tried to explain what a building's period was and the whole class burst out laughing. We got an 88. I'm not complaining, but for all that work I was hoping for an A or something. We decided that the teacher marked us down for her hatred of my partner or something.

Today is multicultural day at our school. Last year, we had the whole day to attend workshops and eat food and see performances and what not. A lot of people skipped because all you had to do was go to homeroom and then it didn't matter. This year, they're making us go to all our classes (which are shortened) then we see a talent show or something.

This cold makes my voice sound horrible. I have a debate in English class today too. XP

Thursday, April 24, 2008

This is why I work alone

To keep us busy during our spring break, my math teacher ordered that our projects be due the Monday right after vacation. The project, you ask? It's called the Math Fair Expo. We choose a topic, relating to math somehow, and research it. Then we get a trifold poster and put all of our information on it in an interesting and comprehendable [is that a word?] way.We have a 5 - 10 minute presentation in front of the class and all the projects from all the honors math classes will be set up around the school and will be judged. The winners will go on to the Science Museum in Boston.

We could work alone or in groups or two maybe three. How did I get my sorry a** stuck with the worst partner?...

Well now it doesn't matter. He's barely done all the work and even though I've repeatedly complained to people [my friends, family, teacher, the bastard himself...] I can't get him to work properly. He's gotten some materials but that's it.

Now he wants me to work with him on it at his house. I don't have a ride and it's on the opposite side of the town, on some forsaken side street. There's no bus that could take me there. I tried to get him to work at the library, but the son of a ....nevermind. He's kind of stubborn.

Well as long as we get this taken care of, I wont ever have to worry about it again.

I work better alone anyway. It's easier to trust yourself with the work.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Almost there! =D

I now have one week till my Spring Break. And yeah, it's pretty awesome. I plan to make the most out of it, since I didn't do, shyz over my last days off. The weather has been extremely pleasant with the occasional exceptions of showers. There was a thunderstorm last night as well.

April showers bring May flowers?

Hopefully, =].

I've had writer's block (again!) for Theory of Relativity, which sucks, because I don't want to put much more up without having a definite direction. Plus everytime I try to retype the whole thing onto blogger from my notebook, the computer has a very sly way of causing my fingers to accidentally hit the exit button or click a link onto another page, deleting all my hard work, which gets discouraging after the fifth or sixth time.

I should stop making excuses now?

I only have two tests, one quiz, one paper, and two projects due this week as well. I turned in most of the stuff last week.

...that's actually a lot, isn't it?

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stressed much?!

So, if you're an average person, more likely an average American, you probably take a dose of stress everyday. That's basically how common it is. According to an article written early last year on the Washington Post website, fifty-four percent of Americans are concerned about the stress on their everyday lives. The number of kids and teenagers suffering from stress also continues to increase, which causes kids to be more likely to take up dangerous habits like smoking, drinking, etc. to deal with these issues. Stress also increases risk for heart attacks, strokes, depression, and chronic pains and aches.

The reason I brought that up is because although stress is something normal in life, what we consider our "normal" lifestyle has dumped loads of worried thoughts into our brains. The major sources of stress would most likey include your job, school and financial issues as well as personal problems, such as family issues or maybe your friends.

If you haven't yet thought about the daily impact stress has on you, take a moment to sit back and reflect. Compare situations like watching television to working on a project or studying for an important exam. Ask yourself questions like...

What thoughts were going through your brain?
Did you have any idea how fast your heart was beating?
Were you extremely irratable during any interruptions?
Did you find yourself looking at a clock continuously?
Were you performing any odd movements, like tapping your foot or rubbing your hands?

Some of those might actually not help you, but you get the idea. If you did find yourself extremely stressed on a fairly regular basis, it would be a good idea to take a day to recollect yourself and relax. These are commonly known as 'mental health' days. (I myself will admit to taking a couple off from school.) It's not completely uncommon. According to that same article, twenty-five percent of workers have taken a day off from work to deal with stress.

It's better to get it taken care of sooner or later. Sixty-six percent of Americans said they were likely to seek help for their stress. If you are reluctant to see someone like a therapist, try relaxing activities. For example, a hobby. Plan a day with friends or family or just for yourself if you want.

However, it is always imperative to see a doctor when stress becomes so serious, it disables you to follow a normal lifestyle or if you've been through something extremely traumatic as that can be a cause of PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder.)

Yeah, just thought I'd put that out there. Yes, I am stressed myself at the moment.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Don't you just hate it when...

  1. You stay late one night, then the next morning you realize that you have to be somewhere early in the morning.
  2. Your partner for a project completely screws you over when you trust them with the work for once by not doing anything.
  3. You're promised something and you end up being screwed over, because it was a lie.
  4. You have a really nice dream and then you wake up and realize it's JUST a dream.
  5. You need something from the store, but by the time you remember and get your ass there, the store is closed.
  6. You forget where you put your keys.
  7. You drop your cell phone repeatedly.
  8. The person you like gets a girlfriend/boyfriend.
  9. You relax the whole weekend and remember the crapload of homework you have due the next day.
  10. There's no good food in the refridgerator.
  11. You forget almost everything you need for the day.
  12. You don't listen to the weather reports or the meterologist lies and you end up wearing flip-flops, shorts, and a tank-top in 30-40 degree F weather...

The list goes on...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Writer's Block?

Not anymore. New chapter of Milana's Theory of Relativity up. =)

Tuesday, March 25, 2008


So basically, I talked to a bunch of people about school, and it turns out they all had their own reasons for hating it. So I've compiled this list of what we had to say, modified slightly to our own voices.

  1. The tests are ridiculously hard. Even the ones I thought I did good on, I just sucked.
  2. stupid teachers!!!! friggin piss me offf! they're so stupid and dont even know what they're teaching!! urgh! makes me sooooo mad
  3. I dunno, I just fall asleep in all my classes.
  4. History is sooo boring.
  5. I don't f*ckin understand math. Why do we need to kno about proofs or variables???
  6. im so stressed!! i have a two tests or quizzes or both everyday, plus projects, and afterschool sports and band!!
  7. so much homework X.X
  8. The whole thing is pointles...=\
  9. ewww the bathrooms are so gross!! i legit hold my pee the hold day so i don't have 2 go in there
  10. i hate my teachers. they SUCK!
  11. I'm stupid so I hate learning LOL
  12. Sometimes they're so strict about the DUMBEST things. I was late to school ONCE and the office lady tried to lecture me, said I gave her an 'attitude' and then gave me a f*cking detention.
  13. food blows
  14. yo itz mad boring
  15. Basically, all our constitutional rights are stripped right when we walk through the school entrance.
  16. It's soo boring.
  17. Our hallways are nasty. No one cleans them.
  18. I hate how teachers give massive piles of homework, expect us to get it, then just test us on the stuff the next day. Uh, helloooo? no comprendo!
  19. i don't even need half of this sh*t, why learn it?
  20. how come one test [MCAS] can determine if we graduate or not? that's BULL
  21. the food is mad nasty
  22. too many bitches, they talk a lot of sh*t about you behind your back
  23. So many immature boys ARGH!!!
  24. Too many to list.
  25. I hate it cuz the teachers are mean to me and I don't even do anything wrong. they're just so judgemental. I hate it!!
  26. Why do you need a reason? School sucks. Peiod.

Ok, so there's the list so far. Add your reason in the comment boxes if you have one =)

Monday, March 24, 2008

School... a load of ********. =)

I have to explain myself later don't I?

If you have a reason, why school sucks, send it to me, and I can make the ultimate list to send to someone like George Bush, or whoever the next president might be.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

I have just one thing to say

...I hate my family >=O!
I will explain more when I finallly come back from school.

Thursday, February 7, 2008 head =(

I hate headaches...

I've had one every day for....I can't even remember now...but I've scheduled to see my primary care doctor so hopefully it'll work out...if not, there's always asprin. =)

In news that matters, Mitt Romney has pulled out of the presidential race. His statement was along the lines of: If I were to keep campaigning, the Democrats would win. I'm probably misinterpreted that and paraphrased it badly but my head hurts.

Even if I was eighteen, I don't think I would have voted for him anyway. I mean, I have nothing personal. We're both from Boston and all, but honestly, I have no 'someth-'ing idea what he stands for anymore. I'm scared to see how many times he would change his ideas. Well all I can say is good luck to whoever does end up winning.

Now to those in Tennessee, my heart goes out to all of you, if you were affected in anyway, I hope you get some relief. For those who don't know, tornado storms ripped through the mid South killing around fifty people and injuring hundreds. I haven't watched the news since yesterday, so my numbers may be outdated. Obvoiusly that doesn't account for the financial, and not to mention emotional losses out there. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.

Well, I distracted myself enough. I'll go to sleep now to rest my head.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


I've been having a lot of bad days lately, so to let out the emotion, I've been writing poems. They don't all necessarily relate to what I've been going through, but the freedom of writing was good enough. I still don't feel completely better, considering today was the worst day, so I still have a lot of writing to do. I just wanted to write one now, for the sake of it.


It lives inside of me
encompassing my inside
wraps around my stomach
and pushes until it frees.
It travels inside of me
through my bloodstream
right to my heart.
A direct hit
It embeds itself in me
entering my ear
toying with my mind
torturing me inside.
The fear
the betrayal
the whispers...
I have no idea
what this is
But I know
what it feels like.
It's like a black hole
sucking everything into oblivion.
It's like a stab wound
penetrating so deep.
It's like a heavy weight
holding me down and captive.
It is always in me
always around me
always hurting me.
There is no cure
that I know of.
There is no treatment
I can speak of.
I live with it
inside me,
and always.
This is my sickness,
never leaving me.
My chronic disease.
My illness.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

News Report

I must admit I'm becoming pretty consistent with this blogging thing. Well...maybe because it distracts me from homework. ^_^;;

So I was watching CNN when I arrived home from school today and guess what some of the top stories were. The big debate between Obama and Clinton, aaand Britney Spears is in a hospital.

I'm guessing the hospital is supposed to be a step up from rehab? She reportedly went willingly, accepting the fact that she needs help. She was escorted to the hospital by a whole motorcade, stretching as long as a football field...yeah, I know right? This, of course, comes after she loses custody of her kids, sanity, and dignity.

I'm being mean actually. I really do hope she gets whatever help she needs. I was never a fan of her music, but I would rather have the old pop music than whatever's going on. Hope Jamie Lynn is holding up good. I heard from WHATTHEBUCK that she's giving the kid to her mother. "Because she did so well with the other two..." --Michael Buckly...or something along those lines.

In political news that could affect our country for at least the next for years, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are getting ready to face off in their first one-on-one debate. They are obviously the two front-runners for the Democratic Party. I know some issues include the economy and Iraq, but truthfully I haven't been following this as much I should be. I'm not voting or anything this year. (I'm a bit under the age limit.) Still...

From the Republican side of the presidential competition, Rudy Giuliani has dropped out of the race and Arnold Schwarzenegger, our favorite actor-turned-politician, has announced his endorsement for John McCain. Mike Huckabee doesn't believe that Giuliani's forfeit in the race will affect his standings. He says it would matter more if it was someone like McCain or Mitt Romney. However it doesn't seem like either of them are leaving any time soon.

Oh, I just remembered healthcare was an important issue. We were apparently discussing this in history today...when we were supposting to be taking notes on the Great Depression...

So there's your daily fill of news...I'm sort of tired to put up a new chapter of my story, but we'll see. Like Mike Huckabee, I believe in miracles...but not ones involving my rivals dropping out of a race...which could be helpful in some cases I guess.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

A Big Thank You/School

Okay, so through some advertisement and [not so] much patience, I actually have readers. I'd really like to thank 'brat' and 'rose desrochers' for commenting and giving me tips. It helps a lot especially for newbies ("n00bs"?) like me. =)

Right now I'm supposed to be doing homework, but I'm taking just a small break.

I said that an hour ago...just kidding!

Anyway, a useful tip in high school. If you're gonna take any honors classes, or especially if you take AP (or IB for some), be aware of the massive amounts of work you will probably receive. This will be even more difficult if you play a sport or if you have any other commitments. Plus you betta study for the tests. I learned that the hard way...

I don't really have anything important to talk about right now. Well I do, but I'm saving that stuff. I'll see if I can add anything to my story.

Once again, thanks brat and rose! Your help means a lot =)
...I'm just repeating myself, aren't I?

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


As stated in an earlier post, I like to write...and to express my creativity or whatever, I created another blog with a story. The address is It's called Relativity and it's about this girl named Milana and her life in high school. There's more to the plot but I suck at summaries so just read it and send some feedback.

Still don't know if anyone's reading this but whatever, patience is a virtue...right?

Maybe I should get more involved...hmm...

Anonygirl1 has a video of her singing "Broken", some original song by her. It's a really good song actually. Check it out...and no I'm not her promoting myself...or herself...whatever.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Headache...diappointed much?

Hmm, so no one is checking out my last post. Well if I had known that, I wouldn't have written so damn much!

Oh well. I don't think more emotion is going to help me.

At the moment I have a really bad headache. I accidentally cut of a lock of hair while trying to detach my hairbrush which was stuck in my hair this afternoon. I comb it over to make it as unnoticable as I can. Though I'm sure the hairdressers will laugh at me next time I visit a salon.

School does homework. I can't concentrate much so I'm wasting time on here and youtube...check out anonygirl1's videos...she's cool =]

Ugh, I feel gross. Maybe I'll tell you guys when I know you're listening.

...No one voted in the poll either...

Saturday, January 26, 2008


Okay, well I guess while introducing myself to the world, I would talk about an actual subject, just so there's more than something saying, "Hi..."

Just a few things

-My name's Lalaine (but people call me Lala)
-I'm a sophomore in high school
-I rep da east coast yooo
-I suck at being gangsta
-I like to write, draw, and play music
-I may write about a lot of things here


Okay, so the first thing I want to talk about here is...FOOD. Why? Mainly because I'm hungry right now, but it's something everyone could relate some way.

Food is an essence of life. We eat it for energy, health, and just because it tastes good and fills our tummies. But sometimes the simple matter of eating can seem really complicated...or even annoying at times.

What do I mean?

Have you ever gone out to dinner with a few friends? Or maybe you've gone over someone else's house to have a meal. Do you ever not know what you're eating...or don't know what to eat? This is the complicated part. Something could look really good...or really disgusting. Or you thought you ordered something really good...and you don't even know what you're about to stuff in your mouth. This is probably worse for people like me, who have food allergies and don't want to risk dying in public or something.

If that doesn't apply to you, try this scenario. You're in your room doing homework, or so you say while you're really on facebook. All of a sudden you feel your stomach rumble. Craving a satisfying snack you head down to your kitchen which is chock full of yummy treats, right?

No, wrong.

You open cabinet doors to find dishes and bowls and such. Doubting those are edible you turn to the never-disappointing fridge.

Yeah, okay.

You open the door and search for anything good to eat. Let's're running low on milk again. There's the leftover's from that "casserole" of last nite. Some veggies that probably need to be cooked. Eggs...not the best time for scrambled, thank you though. Butter...not sure if that's safe to eat by itself. Orange juice...nah, you're looking for that solid stuff. There are also some other leftoevers, but at this point they're unidentifyable.

I think I just created a word....

Oh and this isn't the last time you'll be down. Somehow you think some more food has magically appeared in the last ten minutes you were down stairs, or maybe you overlooked something. Either way you come back to the same disappointment.

Now there are other situations involving food. You burned your family dinner. You've been eating Ramen Noodles for the past ten days. You had some really good Indian food that made you sick. You hate your school food. You wonder why the girl you took to dinner last night ate like she was on an anerexic diet. Maybe you're on an unsuccessful diet. You can't go anywhere without weightwatchers creeping into your mind. Maybe you get way to drunk at parties. Liquids count as food.

No matter how this applies to you, know that eating is mainly an enjoyable experience. Many cultures center social settings around food and drink. So...enjoy! Grab a plate of your favorite dish and dig in. =)


Hmm...that last part may have been a bit corny. At least I'm out there now. I hope you enjoy reading this and maybe you can relate to me. I think I'm gonna go downstairs myself and get me a bite of something.