Sunday, April 13, 2008

Almost there! =D

I now have one week till my Spring Break. And yeah, it's pretty awesome. I plan to make the most out of it, since I didn't do, shyz over my last days off. The weather has been extremely pleasant with the occasional exceptions of showers. There was a thunderstorm last night as well.

April showers bring May flowers?

Hopefully, =].

I've had writer's block (again!) for Theory of Relativity, which sucks, because I don't want to put much more up without having a definite direction. Plus everytime I try to retype the whole thing onto blogger from my notebook, the computer has a very sly way of causing my fingers to accidentally hit the exit button or click a link onto another page, deleting all my hard work, which gets discouraging after the fifth or sixth time.

I should stop making excuses now?

I only have two tests, one quiz, one paper, and two projects due this week as well. I turned in most of the stuff last week.

...that's actually a lot, isn't it?

1 comment:

Bharat said...

depends on whether you enjoy doing it :)

and yes, you SHOULD stop making excuses.. you've got a great series going there, except that we lose touch with the previous entry because it's been so long.. and I must say that's a terrible excuse :) blogger is equipped with autosave for your entries remember? :) sorry, just saying...